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02-01-2016, 11:53 UTC
Dear All,
Merry Christmas and Happy 2016. year ! Thank You.
On Fri, Dec 25, 2015 at 12:56 PM, Ric - DL2VFR
Dear friends,
All operators of DJ90IARU and myself wish you, your families and friends a Merry Christmas or happy holidays and a peaceful 2016.
Thank you all for the very nice activity in 2015 - see you on the bands
73 Ric, DL2VFR
DARC DX & HF-Contesting Chief Operator DK0DX, DL65DARC, DK65DARC, DJ90IARU.

23-12-2015 19:56 UTC
Dear friends,
Merry Christmas and Happy 2016. year ! Thank You.
From CQ90IARU, CQ790IARU and CQ890IARU
73 e Obrigado, Carlos Nora - CT1END

23-12-2015 18:18 UTC
Dear friends,
On behalf ARABIH (Association Radio Amateurs in Bosnia and Herzegovina), I wish you Merry Christmas, Happy and prosperous 2016.
Hope to see you on the air.
73 Darko
E70A, J28AA 6O3A, 9A7WW, 4O7DR
ARABIH Liaison to IARU

23-12-2015 16:17 UTC
It is that time of year again.
When friends remembers friends, families remember families.
And all the loving thoughts we share.
With those we hold most dear.
As we approach the festive season, let us first give Thanks to the Heavenly Father for sparing our lives as we look forward to sharing of presents and the caring of our family. Let us remember our friends, colleagues or even our own family, who have suffered loss during the past year, but however let us not be daunted by our failures. Let us remember the less fortunate, the hunger, the elderly and the sick, the babe without a family. Let us learn to forgive even the persons who have done us wrong, for, if possible, let us celebrate the "TRUE" meaning of "CHRISTMAS" and share our love, hope and our joy in whatever form, shape or size to our families, friends and the less fortunate.
For, it is in giving that we too shall receive. So, therefore, let us celebrate the "CHRIST" in Christmas as we remember his birth and let us reflect on life, our achievements and our short-coming and thank the "FATHER" for the greatest thing we have on earth "LIFE"
Ivor - 6Y5DW
2nd VP Jamaica Amateur Radio Association

23-12-2015 15:49 UTC
De: Le Radio Club D'Haiti HH2RCH,
Merry Xmas and a Happy New Year 2016
Radio Club D'Haiti
P.O.Box 1484
Port-au-Prince, Haiti

22-12-2015 10:21 UTC
Merry Christmas and a happy new year 2016 to All
Ekendra Edrisinghe 4S7EF
Radio Society of Sri Lanka

22-12-2015 02:46 UTC
Dear friends!
Thank you all for your active work dedicated to the 90th anniversary of the International Amateur Radio Union (IARU)!
Many stations **90iaru already finished, but most are still active on the air. December 31 last day.
Merry Christmas and wish you a great Christmas holydays!
73! Aliy Kuysokov - UA6YW (Coordinator, chief of R90IARU)

01-05-2015, 18:49 UTC
85PZK stations ... active only on CW very low activity on PHONE SSB (like all can see on spot cluster)
90IARU stations ... Very good work ! (like all can see on spot cluster)
I think this Award have bad manage

22-02-2015, 21:19 UTC
Thank you for the great event! The award I reached soon, now I'm trying to QSOs on new bands, but it is not easy - the Conds are not so good, I just 20mLW for everything.
Best Regards!
DL2AMM Med (Manfred)

29-01-2015, 18:15 UTC
Glückwunsch zum Jubiläum !
Vielen Dank für die vielen netten QSOs mit Stationen aus Polen!
73 de DL9LBR/ Bernd