Monday, March 31, 2025 11:00       EFC2012 on the AIR już się zakończyło, dziękujemy.
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We are waiting for your comments and opinions about EFC2012 on the AIR,
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LZ1MDU Thank you for the pleasant moments, good organization and professionalism. You will miss me! 73 and best regards! FM1HN Very best
DL9SUB tnx for all QSO and 73 to all OP from Poland and Ukraine
VO1BB had a great time getting the points and thanks to the em, en, eo stations for thier time 73 Bill
CT1EGW Hope all have enjoyed the EFC like me, Tnx for all Best regards
9A3SM Thank you for nice activity for this awards. VY 73 de Mato - 9A3SM
DL4ZM tks fer nice contacts - verry good aktivity 73 de Ben DL4ZM
F8FEA 73 to all om's
DL2DTJ A very fine Systems for the award-application - thank You 73 de Joerg, Dl2DTJ
YB6DE Thank's for QSO Eddy! _yb6de
JL8LTI Congratulations on the success of the EFC2012
DN2WO Thx for the nice DXing time!!! 73´ bye bye
IZ4HVR Thanks for good activity!!! 73
DL7UPN tnx to all station for the exc! ellent job
DL2DQN Many thanks to all s! pecial staions for their activities.
HB9ACA A lot thanks for your organization and hours on the air!
G1UGH Many thanks ! to all the opperators that were on the air with the special calls 73s
DU2XXA Congratulations 2012EFC, hope to work with you again next year 73 de Arnel DU2XXA Philippines
DF3TE Many thanks for all the activity on the bands.
DG7JB Thanks for nice contacts and games
RA1TV Im very glad !
DL3KKN Thanks all the stations efc 2012, it was a pleasure working with you.! 73 de Klaus DL3KKN
EI8FH Thanks to all the special event stations for an enjoyable time on the bands.
SQ9AOR Dziękuję organizatorom dyplomu dobrego pomysłu. Vy 73. Stanisław sq9aor
DL2VM Danke an alle aktiven OM ’s, hat Spaß gemacht, vy73 Ralf
YO2MLM Tnx for this great oportunity. Best wishess for all operators. 73's from Romania !
DL1ASA Thanks for activity vy 73 de tom
G3ZQQ Thanks for an excellent website and all the special stati! ons on air. 73, Jim, G3ZQQ
PA3DHR Thanks for your good org! anisation. I had a nice time during the EFC radio activty. Best 73 de Dirk PA3DHR
DF3IU Many tnx fr beautifu! l activity, hpe to meet you all sn agn. vy 73 de Peter, DF3IU
SM6CUK Good operatores, wkd only CW. Was on holidays last 2 weeks so! missed a lot of QSOs. Real nice "contest".
G0JEI tnx for all the good work for putting on the st
SQ5GLB Dziękuję za wspólną zabawę
DH1PS Nice award, but too difficult to work all special stations for "excellent" - AWARD.
UA3AHA Thanks to all the amateurs of Ukraine! for the excellent organization and activity devoted to the European Football Championship!
ON5SM Thanks again for the great time
OO5Z It was a nice time to work with the award.
DH0DK tnx fer nice activity, im worked only 5 watts and longwire 42 m. vy 73 Bernd DH0DK
F4GDI Tks for all QSO 73 / 88 Christine
EI7JZ Thanks to all the stations participating and for this great activity!
DJ8OB It was a great pleasure for me to work your busy radio-hams! F6AJM Very good challenge for me!. Operators were very good. Best regards and many thanks. 73' to the teams. F6AJM
DF1YQ Tnx for the super activity and for the hams to make this Award possible. 73´s de Gerd,DF1YQ
DL1YDX Thank you very much for good activity in European Football Championship 73 de Jürgen
JE1GWO Thank you everyone and 73
ON3ND What can I say concerning this EFC2012? Fantastic organization and great activity of Polish and Ukrainian stations from the first day until last day of this event... Many tks for the fun... Best 73 to all stations...
PD2GCM "Thanks for this great activity. It was good and well organized, 73 PD2GCM - Gerard" Kind regards, 73 PD2GCM - Gerard
DK3GV Biggest game not in the stadion - biggest game in the air! Congratulation, not the best propagation, but the special event stations were heard every day loud and clear! Thank´s to all doing a very good job! 73th from Germany, Horst DK3GV
I0DJV Congratulation !!! Very good job. 73! Ciao! I0DJV Aldo Frascati – Roma - Italia
DL2VM Danke an alle aktiven OM ’s, hat Spaß gemacht, vy73 Ralf
CT1CUM Congratulations for the EFC2012, Good job, thank you ! Carlos Sousa, an amateur radio operator since 1950
RD3QA Thanks and 73 !
UT2IV Thanks for good job of the operators and good diploma.
F4EFL Felicitations pour votre iniciative pour ces activations Cordialement Jean
SP6BAA Wszystko jest OK TNX
DJ4EY Will try to do some more !
DG2UA Pozdrowenie serdeczne i do spotkania 73s Erika
EA6ZS Mni Tnx
KD4QMY Thank you to all the stations. 73 and good DX KD4QMY
OE4GTU nx award, vy gd dx e 73 de Gerhard
UR5IKN Many thanks for this nice game, really much fun !
HB9ACA UFB Organisation, clear Web Page tnx
PC2F nice site and good organisation
DK7VW Many thanks for your great activity. 73 Joe
OZ5TL Thank you 73
TA2DS TNX for this nice EFC 2012 . 73, SELIM
S51RU TNX for EFC Award 73 de Marjan - S51RU
YO4AUL Thanks for the award! 73 Corneliu
OK1IE Thanks to all stations for aktivities in all band and points for award. GL.Jan.
DL2RSS I was work only in CW and QRP with Elecraft K2
DK9PS Many thanks for all your activity and your work.
DL1HRN Thanks to all for Hamspirit !
OK6AB Thank you for the beautiful HAM activity to Euro 2012. I thank everyone for QSO 73 de Radek OK6AB
DK2JP All the best and thank's for the nice activity !
DL7FB It was funny to work with the EFC stations! 73 from Germany, Wolfgang, DL7FB
DH3RD tks fer nice activity 73s
DG9WG Many TKS! 73 !
G4SMB Excellent operators and very pleased to have taken part in this award. 73 es tnx Mike G4SMB
JA1SKE Very happy success EFC 2012 Award
SP7MOC Dziekuje za wspaniala organizacje i super logistyke.
RX6AMV Good Luck !!!
UU4JIM Thanks for an interesting graduate program!
M6MRH Thank you great fun and fantastic activation. Best 73 TU Mark, M6MRH
DL7FB To all EFC2012 Stations: You make a hard good job on the air ! It's easy to work the award, only your activities are the reason ! Thanks, best wishes and 73 from Wolfgang, DL7FB
DH7RD Greetings from Frankfurt at the River of Main here Germany and thanks for very Nice Contacts on HF-Bands on the EM in SP and UR 73,55 de Ralf/DH7RD
PA4J Hi, Fine and great activation thanks. PA4J vy 73
G4HBI Brilliant website, great idea using the technology to it's best Let's hope others follow your lead
DH0KAA Thank you very match 73 de DH0KAA Ingo
E74WN Tnx for fb activation and nice awards, all the best
UA3DDT pasibo a pleasant meeting
YC1BTJ Thank you & Good Luck for Ukranian FC also for EFC2012 Committee. Vy Best 73! de YC1BTJ
HA5BA Thanks a lot. 73/88 HA5BA yl Klara
N7DR This award was quite difficult from Colorado... HF cndx have been very bad !
DL2TM Activity from the special call holders could be much better. Thank you for your work, very nice web site !
I0DJV Congratulations for all...!!! Very good job and very good Operator. Ciao! Spasibo! from Frascati Roma Italia. 73! i0djv Aldo
SN2012UEFA (SP4ICP-SN4W) Na Twoje ręcę Roman podziękowania dla całego zespołu. WLADEK.
SP2MKI Very good idea of electronic rules verification.
DL8DZV Thanks for good work!
DL1SVI Thank you very much for all and 73 good luck.San DL1SVI
V44KAO tks to all u all did a good job fm oliver! v44kao
HA5FA This rapid application is very good ! Congratulation
DH2PC good job 73 Uwe
OK6DJ Fb activity 73 David
HA8XP Thank you for the activity of all stations. 73 tnx
N3CZ Thank you for very good organization of this event!
PA4MIC Thanks for this special event!
9A5SM the best wishes, 73/88 de Marija 9A5SM
SP2-16004 Wspaniała akcja dyplomowa :) POZDRAWIAM I CZEKAM NA DYPLOM !
RZ9OC Thanks for the interesting event in our lives !
DL5SWB Everything works fine. Thank you all. 73!
GQ8DQP Thanks all the activity. Very well organized website. 73 !
E77O Gud activity on bands from event stations. Congrats to all. Please upload logs faster. Best wishes to ALL es wish nice footbal spectacle.
ES3RY Very interesting and well organized AWARD program ! Thank you and mni 73!
DJ1ND UFB activation, TNX !
DL6ATI Thank you for this activi! Vy 73 !
HA5OZX Thanks!

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