Monday, March 31, 2025 06:51       The EFC2012 on the AIR is over, thank you.
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23-04-2013, 19:25:00 UTC
EFC2012 on the AIR - Operator Class and Support Class diplomas.

We started the last stage of activity associated with EFC2012 on the AIR, since a few days I have been sending electronic version of EFC2012 on the AIR Operator Class and Support Class diplomas.
Thank you very much for your participation in this great international event and for every kind of help.

info: SQ2RH

28-12-2012, 20:20:00 UTC
EFC2012 on the AIR - Award application deadline.

In a few days is the deadline for submitting an application for a diploma EFC2012 on the AIR - Polish Version. We remind you that you can apply for the diploma in electronic version, which is free of charge and the paper version one comes with cost. More information can be found in AWARDS section of this webpages.

info: SQ2RH

24-12-2012, 12:25:00 UTC
Christmas and New Year Wishes.

Merry Christmas and health and prosperity in the New Year 2013
for all visitors to this site.
The organizers EFC2012 on the AIR

info: SQ2RH

17-12-2012, 22:45:00 UTC
SN2012GD and SN2012WA finished printing and sending out QSL cards.

Two special event station SN2012GD (about 10,600 QSL) and SN2012WA (about 9000 QSL cards) already finished printing and sending out all their QSL cards to his correspondents, including requests for QSL via DIRECT and for SWL. Station HF20112EFC so far sent out about 8,000 of the 11,600 QSL cards including all requests for DIRECT and for SWL. We look forward to a report from other Polish stations operating under the EFC2012 on the AIR.

info: SQ2RH

02-12-2012, 18:00:00 UTC
The results of the EURO-2012 HF QSO-Party HF contest.

Our friend Dima UT8LN from TDR club in Kharkiv, sent us the official results of the EURO-2012 HF QSO-Party HF contest. In the two-hour contest, which took place on 09 June 2012 was attended 168 amateurs from 23 countries. All winners and participants of this contest will be awarded by the end of 2012 by the club TDR from Kharkiv, who was the organizer of the event.
In the QSO-Party was attended 35 Polish stations, the best will receive certificates and prizes (gadgets related to EURO-2012 and Albums Photo of Wroclaw) funded by the Lower Silesian Regional PZK Office - the official co-organizer of the EURO-2012 HF QSO-Party HF contest.
Thank you all for participating in the competition. Here is a link to the results of the competition PDF format.

info: SQ2RH and UT8LN

28-11-2012, 20:55 UTC
Bogdan SP2EBG is one of the operators of 5T0SP

Bogdan SP2EBG one of the operators of the EFC2012 on the AIR worked in SN2012GD team, currently is one of the operators on the Polish DXpedition in Mauritania, Africa. With his colleagues they will work under 5T0SP till 10 December 2012. Congratulations and many new experiences and continuous pile-up'u.

info: SQ2RH

27-11-2012, 23:20 UTC
The state of the paper version of EFC2012 Polish Award.

At the moment we sent paper version of EFC2012 Polish Award:

98 pcs - direct mail to the postal address
206 pcs - QSL bureau and
17 pcs EXCELLENT version for:

Total 321 pieces

Below is a list of calls that sent us award applications but up to now we have not received fees for diplomas:

info: SQ2RH i 3Z6AEF

15-09-2012, 15:15 UTC
Till now we have sent 828 of 1584 applications for the EFC2012 Polish Award.

Please note that we have sent 828 electronic version of the EFC2012 Polish Award of the total number of 1584 submitted applications, the new applications still coming.

info: SQ2RH

06-09-2012, 20:45 UTC
QSL cards sending.

We have started sending QSL cards from the following stations: HF2012EFC, 3Z2012EFC, SN2012WA, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WR and SN2012PZPN. Therefore, we have to send a very large amount QSL cards, thus this task will take time, please be patient.

info: SQ2RH

21-08-2012, 21:10 UTC
QSL cards in the print service.

At the end of last week, designs of QSL cards: HF2012EFC, 3Z2012EFC, SN2012WA, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WR and SN2012PZPN was sent to the print service.

info: SQ2RH

06-08-2012, 19:30 UTC
Final version of the EFC2012 Polish Award completed and ready to be sent via e-mail and printed version by mail.

The final version of the EFC2012 Polish Award is completed and is ready to be sent via e-mail. The printed awards will be mailed. Our award manager Michał SQ6IYV is responsible for the distribution of the electronic version of this diploma. I am very sorry for the long wait time for the diploma in electronic form.
This award will be available in three basic versions: Standard, Excellent Class, and a version for the operators of the EFC2012 stations.

info: SQ2RH

28-07-2012, 05:50 UTC
XXX Summer Olympics Games LONDON 2012 on the AIR.

With great pleasure I would advise you to start the activity of two British special event stations 2O12L and 2O12W to celebrate of the XXX Summer Olympic Games London 2012. More details about this grate amateur radio event on two dedicated websites and .
Stations will be active on all bands on every mode from 25 July to up to 9 September 2012 from 10:00 to 16:00 UTC.

info: SQ2RH

13-07-2012, 14:20 UTC
QSL Cards Order application.

Today we launched a new application for ordering our QSL cards, this tool will be particularly helpful to all special event station, as it will inform us how you send QSL cards or via Direct or via the QSL bureau. Please feel free to enter into the database.

info: SQ2RH

08-07-2012, 08:45 UTC
Final on-line log updat.

Our on-line log has just been updated. A total of over 411 000 contacts were made (includes about 130000 QSOs by Polish stations) from June 1 to July 1, 2012. There are over 59 thousand unique callsign in our on-line log.
There were actually over 420 000 contacts made by the special event stations operating in EFC2012 on the AIR, but some were made before June 1, 2012 so they do not count toward our awards and for this reason are not included in the on-line log.
All logs which I received, both Polish and Ukrainian, were checked with an external logging program and all obvious errors were removed. The logs do not contain any duplicates, but there is no guarantee that there is not a single error in them, it’s not possible to check over 420 000 QSO’s.
We have three logs that we know still contain errors of the type “Band=0” but without the help of the operators it will difficult to be 100% correct, but we are working on making these corrections.

info: SQ2RH

05-07-2012, 22:30 UTC
EFC2012 on the AIR ends activity.

A few minutes ago our stations permanently ended their activity on the amateur airwaves in EFC2012 on the AIR, probably the first and one of the largest amateur radio events organized in Poland and Ukraine.
For over a month every day, during better and worse conditions, the special event stations from Poland and Ukraine were heard around the world. Their on-the air activity was promoting EURO-2012, Poland, Ukraine, sport, the host cities of EURO-2012 and our hobby.
I would like to thank all the operators of our joint Polish-Ukrainian activity for their participation and all the participants for your time good organisation and support. Without you, this event would not have been possible.
I would also like to take this opportunity on behalf of all participants and the organizers of this activity to thank all the operators around the world who with great interest followed our operation and made QSO’s with us, earning points for the awards. We thank you for the pile-ups!
You’ll no longer hear us with our special event call sings, but the website will still be active. We invite you to visit us here, we’ll be posting some interesting statistics and other information which you’ll find very useful.

info: SQ2RH

05-07-2012, 06:45 UTC
The last day of the activity of the Polish stations 3Z2012, HF2012, SN2012.

5th of July 2012 is the last day of the activity of the seven main Polish EFC2012 on the AIR stations like: 3Z2012EFC, HF2012HFC, SN2012GD, SN2012PO, SN2012WA, SN2012WR, SN2012PZPN. This is also last day of the activity for the rest of Polish individual stations like: 3Z2012RKT, 3Z2012YRY, SN2012UEFA, SN4EFC, HF2012DWR.
- Colleagues, many thanks for your participation, time and support of our common action !!!

info: SQ2RH

02-07-2012, 06:35 UTC
Last day of the activity 3Z2012BRP

2-nd of July is the last day of the activity of the 3Z2012BRP event station. Janek SP9BRP, many thanks for your participation and support of our common action.

info: SQ2RH

01-07-2012, 21:50 UTC
Spain - the European Champion Cup 2012

Here we are, for the second tme in a row, Spain has won the European Championship Cup 2012 by beating Italy 4:0 in the final match in Kiev. Spain is thus the only team in the world for the first time in history to win the football championship three times in a row, the first time during EURO-2008, then as World Champion in 2010 in South Africa and now the European Champion 2012. Congratulations !!!

info: SQ2RH

The last day of the activity of the Ukrainian stations EM2012, EN2012, EO2012 and some of Polish stations.

1st of July 2012 is the last day of the activity of the Ukrainian EFC2012 on the AIR stations and some of the Polish EFC2012 stations like: HF2012IYV, HF2012EUPP, SN2012EB, SN2012EURO, SN2012FUD, SN2012RKK - Colleagues, many thanks for your participation and support of our common action !!! Rest of the Polish stations will be active till to 5 July 2012.

info: SQ2RH

There are only 6 days left to the end of our activity.

We are rapidly approaching 300,000 QSO’s in our logs, there are only 6 days left to the end of our activity. Yesterday and today the EURO-2012 stadiums hosted the 4 best teams in Europe: Portugal, Spain, Germany and Italy, playing each other to enter the finals of EURO-2012. Yesterday in Donetsk, Spain defeated Portugal in a penalty shootout. Today in Warsaw, Italy won against Germany 2:1. The final match, Spain vs. Italy is on Sunday, July 1, 2012 in Kiev.

info: SQ2RH

Over 200 000 QSOs in the log.

Our log is growing, now we have over 200 thousand. QSOs, and this number is constantly changing. At our stadiums, yesterday evening in Warsaw stadium Portugal won with the Czech Republic 1-0. Today at 20:45 LT the second quarter-final match in Gdansk, between Greece and Germany. Unfortunately, the national teams of the organizers EFC2012 Poland and Ukraine will not come out of their groups to the finals phase. On the image from left, Marian (the organizer of our tickets), Christa, Bob SP2EBG and Roman SQ2RH during the match Germany-Greece, in which Germany won 4-2 with Greece.

EURO-2012 Stadium in Gdańsk
info: SQ2RH

Three news subpages in our web service.

We added three new subpages to the web service. There are your comments, multimedia and confirmations in the bottom of the menu.

info: SQ2RH

Over 150.000 QSOs in our logs.

It has been 12 days and we have already logged over 150 thousand QSO’s. We remind you that all QSL cards and awards will be mailed after the end of the event and once EFC2012 on the AIR has been summarized. There is no hurry to send us the applications for the awards, since our logs are not yet finalized and they are constantly being updated. We encourage you to send us the award application at the completion of the event, our logs will then be 100% complete and verified.

info: SQ2RH

The first applications for the award "European Football Championship 2012" receicved

Longer we receive the first applications of the polish "EFC 2012" Award - from PY, JA, UA ... The electronic version of Award will be sent sent as they come, and paper version some time after the end of Championship. The Award is not really difficult to achieve - the event station's activity is high, although not all of them are shown on the bands, yet. See you on the bands !

info: 3Z6AEF

Serge Rebrov UT5UDX

As reported by Boris UT7UT, one of the former footballer of the Ukrainian national team Serge Rebrov, is an amateur radio operator, his callsing is UT5UDX.

Serhiy Rebrov
info: Boris UT7UT

We have already started, now we can say EFC2012 on the AIR

We have reached the end of our preparations for the EFC 2012 on the AIR activity. Since three days we are on the AIR. In the EFC 2012 on the AIR activity organized by PZK and UARL we will have 34 Polish stations and 83 Ukrainian stations participating in total. By the way we added a new on-line log search. Within a few days we will try to integrate Polish and Ukrainian logs. Good luck and see you on the bands.

info: SQ2RH

New special event stations joined us

We are more and more, for a few days before EFC 2012 on the AIRstarts, news special event stations mostly from SP9 joined us. At the moment, during the EURO-2012 there will be on the AIR 39 stations from Poland and 83 stations from Ukrainian.

info: SQ2RH

Second Ukrainian 2012 EFC Award

We add info and rules for second Ukrainian 2012 EFC Award issued by (KRARS) Kharkiv Regional Amateur Radio Society.

info delivered by: Boris UT7UT

HF2012EURO, SN2012UEFA, SN2012PO and SN2012WA on the AIR

Four of our special event stations in the EURO-2012 are already active on the bands. The on-line logs these stations are already available.

info: SQ2RH

Other language versions of awards rules

We are looking for individuals around us who would undertake professional translations of our award rules into other languages.

info: SQ2RH

The English version of EFC2012 on the Air website

Yesterday we launched the English version of our website, many thanks to Mr Matthew Haines from Wroclaw, who translated a few pages of our service free of charge.
We would also like to take the opportunity to thank Wieslaw SP2DX for translating our award rules into English, and to Bogdan SP2EBG for providing us with award rules and QSO-party rules translated into Italian and Croatian. Thanks also to Rich K1CC for some last-minute corrections to the English language on our Web site.

info: SQ2RH

Award rules and design of the Ukrainian award UR-SP EFC 2012

In the "Awards" section we have posted the award rules and design of the Ukrainian award UR-SP EFC 2012. Also available for download in PDF format are multi-language versions of our awards.

info: SQ2RH

Final version of the award rules are now published

In the "Awards" section we have posted the latest and final version of the award rules for the European Football Championship issued by the Polish side.

info: SQ2RH

License applications (including temporary) for the calls SN2012…, HF2012…, 3Z2012 (not translated, applies only to Polish amateurs)

Przypominamy wszystkim polskim krótkofalowcom, że składając wniosek o pozwolenie radiowe (także tymczasowe) na znak SN2012..., HF2012..., 3Z2012... należy dołączyć oryginał potwierdzenia uiszczenia opłaty skarbowej. Opłata wynosi obecnie 82,- złote i należy ją wpłacić na konto Urzędu Miasta Stołecznego Warszawy Dzielnicy Wola (numer konta na stronie UKE).
Natomiast przy występowaniu o czasową zmianę pozwolenia radiowego w zakresie znaku (identyfikacji) stacji - w trybie art. 155 KPA - opłata nie jest wymagana, a więc wystarczy pismo w tej sprawie złożone w Delegaturze UKE, właściwej miejscowo dla miejsca zamieszkania występującego o czasową zmianę. Pamiętajmy zawsze o podaniu we wniosku numeru i daty wydania posiadanego pozwolenia radiowego!

info: 3Z6AEF

English version of the website

For English-speaking visitors, the English version of our website will be available later this week, at this time the rules for the QSO-Party are already available in English.

info: SQ2RH

Best wishes for a Happy and Healthy Easter Holiday from the organizers of EFC2012 on the AIR

info: SQ2RH

"EFC2012 on the AIR" website is now available

Today we are unveiling the first official website of "EFC2012 on the AIR". At this time only the Polish version is available, in a few days the website will be supplemented with an English and Russian version. The website will be updated and revised as required. Please contact me directly via e-mail with any comments. Thank you and welcome!

info: SQ2RH

Information about this activity in "Świat Radio" and "QTC"

We invite you to read the published information about "EFC2012 on the AIR" in the April issues of "Świat Radio" and "QTC" - our media patrons.

info: 3Z6AEF


During the award period, on June 9 there will be a 2-hour QSO-Party (on the air activity period) during which the special event stations participating in "EFC-2012 on the Air" will be active. The contest rules were developed by the Kharkov Association of Amateur Radio and co-organized by the Lower Silesian Regional Division of PZK. The personal patrons of the contest are SP2JMR - President of PZK and UT2UB - President of UARL. Valuable prizes (in addition to diplomas) will be awarded, such as sporting equipment, 2m/70cm transceivers and electronic equipment. We encourage everyone to participate in this competition!

info: Dima, UT8LN

Approval for the award activity EFC2012 on the AIR

At their meeting on 28-02-2012, the officers of ZG PZK formally approved the Award activity on the occasion of the European Football Championship 2012.

info: SP2JMR

Special event licenses for the PZK stations

Today we received the last of the remaining licenses for the official PZK special event stations which will be operating in connection with EURO 2012. We encourage everyone to apply for individual and club special event calls SN2012.. HF2012.. 3Z2012 (Poland) and EM2012.. EN2012.. i EO2012.. (Ukraine). The procedure for obtaining licenses for Polish stations is described in detail in the "Information" tab.

info: 3Z6AEF

Individual special event stations

We are getting requests from individual and club stations who are committing themselves to participate in the PZK/UARL award activity. Our Ukrainian friends have commitments from over 20 individual stations - details in the tab "EFC2012 stations".

info: UT7UT

Licenses for special event stations

The Office of Electronic Communications has already issued licenses for special event stations SN2012GD, SN2012WA, SN2012WR, HF2012EFC and 3Z2012EFC. We are still waiting for the remaining two licenses.

info: 3Z6AEF

List of operators for SN2012GD is closed

January 31 ended the recruitment of operators interested in operating SN2012GD during EURO 2012. SN2012GD is a special event station representing the Gdańsk stadium PGE ARENA.

info: SQ2RH

Honorary patronage by PZPN

The Polish Football Association has endowed us with an Honorary Patronage - thank you very much! We can use the PZPN logo on our QSL cards and awards, and one of our special event stations will have the abbreviation PZPN in its suffix: SN2012PZPN.

info: 3Z6AEF

Website designed and managed by Roman, SQ2RH ©2012 PZK